🐣Birth of the Duck

The First TON L2 to bring Liquidity and Users from EVM and Bitcoin ecosystem.

What challenges is TON currently facing despite its vigorous development?

1. Nascent On-Chain Ecosystem

TON, being a newer blockchain platform, has a delayed start, resulting in slower market influence and ecosystem growth. Its programming languages—Fift, FunC, and Tact—pose steep learning curves, especially compared to Ethereum's Solidity. Tact, despite being a next-generation language, suffers from inadequate documentation and tool support. This raises the development barrier and limits ecosystem expansion. In contrast, EVM platforms offer extensive open-source resources and community support, which could significantly ease development and accelerate application deployment if integrated with TON.

2. Funding and Security Limitations

TON faces significant funding constraints, with its FDV (Fully Diluted Valuation) in the tens of billions, which limits its ability to attract larger investments. This financial gap affects developer incentives and slows the growth of DeFi and infrastructure. The scarcity of development and financial resources can lead to the creation of applications and infrastructure that lack maturity, thereby increasing the risk of security vulnerabilities. Additionally, the low Total Value Locked (TVL) further hampers market outreach and user acquisition, constraining the overall expansion of the ecosystem.

3. Limited Integration with TG Bots

Most TG Bot applications in the TON ecosystem are integrated primarily through token minting, but they lack more advanced on-chain modules. Currently, their functionality is fairly basic, focusing mainly on token operations without fully utilizing smart contracts or other advanced blockchain features. This limited integration hinders the ecosystem's diversity and stifles innovation. To enhance TON's application ecosystem, deeper development and integration of on-chain resources are necessary.

What is DuckChain?

DuckChain is the first TON Consumer layer to connect TON with EVM, BTC and more ecosystems, aiming to bring billions of telegram users from off-chain to on-chain. DuckChain provides a unified gas experience for web2 users with telegram star payment and offers EVM-Compatible infrastructure for developers to build on TON and telegram.

Arbitrum Orbit: A permissionless path for launching customizable, dedicated chains using Arbitrum technology. Orbit Chains can be a Layer 2 (L2) chain which settles directly to Ethereum, or a Layer 3 (L3) chain which can settle to any Ethereum L2, such as Arbitrum One.

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